Forums / Roleplaying / Elemental Championship Cellar

Elemental Championship Cellar
23:05:42 Nov 24th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

It has been a long year since the last Elemental Championship, but the Championship Arena Complex did not show signs of age, but rather on the contrary - it grew, and along with it, just a hill and a spring with a weary wooden bridge over it away, grew the more of a city...of Bren. The vicinity of the Arena has done it much good - apart from the great crowds -- and thusly business -- it brought it during the Championship itself, just the presence of such a building carried the township's name far over the lands. There came adventurers of many sorts, and the burgeoning four inns of Bren were never short of business, there came priests of the Elemental Lords, building shrines and churches and granting it divine protection not from one, but from all the Lords, and there came many, many artisans to maintain the three offshoot Arenas around the old one, and craft yet a fourth offshoot that hung high in the sky above the lot.

The would-be combatants, either just arriving, or having taken a night's rest either at an inn or at the small camp of tents at the base of the Arena hill, would get to see the artisans' handiwork soon enough, right after the priests and mages within them finish their last checks on the protective barriers and image transportation enchantments for the gathered crowds.


It took the enchanters quite a bit of time to get out of the Cellar Arena, as it was quite a ways down into the ground. One could see the granite walls of the main part of the Arena Complex right above the now open heavy metal Cellar gate - the underground arena was placed right under the original, First Arena!

One of the now leaving spellweavers conjured up an opened scroll above the entrance, which would levitate there until the end of the match. Those who would care to read it would have found out that the place they are about to enter had more than just regular protective shield enchantments - rather, the ordinary enough looking mirror walls the fighters would find inside were of magical nature, and not only act as a protective barrier for the spectators behind it, but also make any projectile flung at it - magic or not - simply bounce off, much like simple a ray of light would from a regular mirror. On a more disturbing note, the scroll also stated that no wound would ever heal whilst in the Cellar, not even by ways of magic. If the group of healers and doctors standing about just outside the entrance were to be of any consolation, the shovels lined up against the wall and the priests near them were most definitely not.

As daunting as that may have been, most of those gathered here had never feared death - lest they would not be there at all - so they began descending the spiral stairway, leaving the shrieks and anxieties of a bloodthirsty crowd behind them - or rather, over them.

The upper gate closed with a loud *CLANG*.

The fight was about to begin, but first a quick glance would reveal the interior of the room - it was square in shape, with the mirror walls they new to expect there... There were four humongous round pillars of plain grey stone, as wide as a man with his arms spread out, in the middle of the room forming a square shape as the room did. Each side of each pillar had a torch on it, and with the mirrors' reflection, the Cellar far from the dark, damp place one would imagine a room of such a name to be.

It was actually very dry, uncomfortably dry, and there was something very unnatural to that dryness.

Could that have been the enchantment of never-ceasing wounds they sensed?


But for now, it was time to forget such thoughts, and cause some wounds instead.

1. From now on you guys are the people who will decide how to attack etc. I’m sorry but school among other things has really cut into my free time. I’ll mod things that you want me to but for the most part you guys will have to do decide what to do.
3. You will keep battling until there is only 3 people left.
4. I expect each of you to be at least a little stronger then last time.


01:33:42 Nov 25th 07 - Lord Guderian:

{Can I still use my drain ability? That's stealing energy instead of regenerating:) }

*Guderian walks in and prepares himself for combat. In a moment he is focused and prepared for the battle that will soon follow.*

03:12:19 Nov 25th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Scientist looks up at the wall of mirrors before him and reads the scroll*

"This is going to be an interesting day out"

*Noticing Guderian, Scientist slowly and hesitantly walks over towards Guderian, not making any sudden movements*

"Hey, haven't I seen you somewhere before? I have a proposition for you, if you care to hear it then lay down your weapon and I will do the same. If not, then it appears that we will be fighting this day."

*Scientist stood there, completely still, holding his glowing white staff in his right hand, ready incase Guderian made any sudden moves*

[[OOC: Ok, Sigheart, can you just explain exactly what light magic entails then? As last time I was constantly being moaned at for casting focused beams of light..........just set out some ground rules on me before we begin and I get moaned at once again]]

04:03:03 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

OOC:Light can be interpreted in many ways. Those beams of light you made were prefectly alright. Blinding flashes of light(not permanent for obvious reasons), illusions, healing(can't be used in this arena), Concentrated balls of light, Holy Powers and Light used as a defensive means like a wall are all acceptable. Something I wouldn't accept would be the speed of light since I'm not going to let you move at 363 miles per second but a person of light can be swift.

@Guredian: You can steal there energy not there health. Big difference right there.

11:29:58 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Gilth:

*Gilth decided to play it safe this time. He walked up to Verll right after the doors opened.
"Pretty impressive gusts you created back there. Maybe we should stick together a bit, there is no need for us to fight eachother if we could bring glory to the wind gods by surviving together", Gilth said barely loud enough to be heard by himself.

[OOC: Sigheart, I guess the powers from the hawk statue are gone now. If you have time, can you confirm this?]

16:07:27 Nov 25th 07 - Lord Guderian:

"Greetings Scientist,

I would be pleased to here your proposition."

*Then Guderian walked towards Scientist. He held  Synth with a clinched fist with his Gem of Darkness facing Scientist just in case this was not all it appeared to be*


16:24:50 Nov 25th 07 - Sir Verll:

Verll nods at Gilth and whispers back
"That would be good,lets train each other, teach me what you know, and I'll teach you what I know"

[Could we do it over pm, I don' want the others to know what we teach each others]

16:30:30 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

OOC: @Verll: Read the Rules

4. Do not overlook the value of OOK(Out of Kombat) cooperation in determining results!

@Gilth: Yup

19:12:13 Nov 25th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Scientist lowers his staff a little to show that he does not pose a threat*

"What say you that we focus more on the others? I heard that those wind elementals are quite powerful, and don't really feel like taking them on to the next round just so that they can grow in strength........We don't need to work together, just have a mutual agreement that all attacks will be facing the other way"

*Scientist stands there awaiting a reply while keeping his eyes on the elementalists over at the other side of the room*

23:24:04 Nov 25th 07 - Lord Guderian:

"I agree. Fighting each other would be pointless. Your powers are light and mine are darkness so we would counter each other to perfection. By the time one of us was eliminated the others would be fresh and waiting to take him on. By Grabthars Hammer, I pledge that I shall not attack you until we are all that is left. If this pledge is broken, let the Gods kill the offender..."

04:11:07 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Spud:

*Spud walks catiously into the arena after reading the scroll over and over to himself. He looks around and see's everyone chatting about peace and teaching eachother stratagies.*

"Heh, looks like everyone is scared, making alliances with who they once saw as a threat earlier on in this championship. I ,however, seem to be alone."

*Spud takes his oppertunity of everyone thats not paying attention and decided to take first action to catch his foes off guard. He quickly finds a shadowy area and draws back a dimly lit arrow of fire amongst his bow. The second he was about to release his fury he remembers of the scrolls words about the glass walls. Knowing of this he improvements his aim to ricochet off the wall at an enemy. Therefor still concealing his post. The arrows flys swiftly cutting right through the air, bounces off the wall and headed directly for the back of Guderians neck.*

[[Sig, this ones for you to's the first attack and I dont want to make the call myself...]]

04:32:44 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

[Thanks sig, you just choped up one of my favorite advantages. sigh]

*A familiar mist fills the arena, obscuring all but water elements vision*

04:35:23 Nov 26th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

OOC: Hey I  Eni Meni Mini Moed it.

10:25:24 Nov 26th 07 - Sir Scientist:

[[The back of his neck straight away? You've never tried boucing your arrows off of the mirror walls before so you're aim should be a little off, maybe hitting his leg or his ankle or something, but his neck?? That just seems to accurate........especially for a first shot.......]]

10:28:25 Nov 26th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Scientist notices the arrows fly out of a dark corner of the arena and decides that he must take out this foe as soon he himself would end up being the target of this shady character*

"Right, lets shed some light on this scenario"

*Scientist raises his staff high in the air and light illuminates the arena. Seeing that the person in the shade was Spud, Scientist says a few words and the illuminating light suddenly intensifies tenfold and blinds Spud for a few moments, but still enough time for Scientist to get closer and out of sight of Spud*

15:58:56 Nov 26th 07 - Lord Guderian:

*As Guderian hears the arrow bounce off the mirror he realizes he is about to be hit. He turns quickly and barely in time to feel the arrow move right past his neck*

{I was under the impression we hadn't started yet?}

*Guderian moved away from where Scientist was and looked for a new target*

22:11:54 Nov 30th 07 - Sir Scientist:

[[Anyone else think that these tournaments have died? Can you just crown me as victorious now? Since we all know I will win :P ]]

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